Original Article
Incidence and Risk Factors of Iliac Artery Rupture during Aortoiliac Stenting
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Vasc Specialist Int (2024) 40:5
Published online February 23, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5758/vsi.230114
Copyright © The Korean Society for Vascular Surgery.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of consecutive patients with AIOD treated with AIS from 2009 to 2021 was completed. We excluded patients with instent restenosis. All types of stents, including self-expanding stent (SES), balloon-expandable stent (BES), or balloon-expandable covered stent (CS), were used. Angiographic characteristics and procedural outcomes were analyzed. Procedural success was defined as the residual stenosis <30%.
Results: A total of 242 patients (86.8% male; mean age 68.8±10.0 years) with de novo AIOD were treated with AIS. The procedural success rate was 100%. Rupture occurred in six patients (2.5%) and all ruptures were occurred in the external iliac artery (EIA). Stenting of the EIA and less calcified lesion were risk factors for iliac rupture (P=0.028). All cases of iliac artery rupture were successfully treated with the CSs. Overall primary patency rates were 98.0% and 93.4% at 12 and 36 months, respectively. Primary patency rates of SES, BES, and CS were 87.7%, 88.4%, and 100% at 36 months, respectively.
Conclusion: The incidence of iliac artery rupture during AIS was 2.5%. Stent placement in the less calcified lesion and EIA was a risk factor for rupture during AIS. Placement of the CS can be the straightforward solution in case of iliac artery rupture during AIS.
Aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD) is widely prevalent and leads to severe claudication or chronic limb-threatening ischemia. Due to its comparable patency rate and lower morbidity than open surgery, endovascular treatment is widely used for steno-occlusive abdominal aorta and iliac artery disease [1-3]. However, there are still disadvantages because iliac artery rupture is one of the most fatal complications [4,5]. Retroperitoneal hemorrhage from an iliac artery is a potentially serious complication leading to hemorrhagic shock and death if not diagnosed early and treated promptly [6]. Therefore, it is important to anticipate the possibility of rupture and treat it appropriately when such a situation occurs.
Few studies have focused on the risk factors of iliac artery rupture following aortoiliac stenting (AIS) despite the wide use of stent placement in the iliac arteries. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence and risk factors for iliac artery rupture following AIS and to report the mid-term follow-up outcomes.
1) Study design
From 2009 to 2021, consecutive patients who underwent AIS due to abdominal aortic and iliac arterial steno-occlusive disease were included in this study. Two vascular surgeons performed all procedures in a single center. Patients who underwent unilateral or bilateral AIS procedures and patients who underwent at least one follow-up were included. We excluded the patients with in-stent restenosis. Four patients who had missing medical records were excluded from this study. Additionally, two patients were transferred to another hospital after operation due to personal issues. Thus, we excluded a total of six patients in this study. Clinical data and images were retrospectively reviewed for all patients. The primary outcome was the incidence of iliac artery rupture and its associated risk factors. The secondary outcome was the primary patency and survival rate.
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong (IRB no. KHUH-2022-06-043). The Institutional Review Board waived the need for informed consent because of a lack of information on the participant’s identity. This study complied with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
2) Procedure details
After femoral access was obtained under ultrasound guidance, heparin was given in doses up to 3,000 IU, and digital subtraction angiography was performed. In patients who underwent self-expanding stent (SES) placement, vessel preparation was performed using a balloon with a diameter equivalent to 50%-60% diameter of the original artery as reference diameter. Balloon inflation was maintained for a minimum of 1 minute. Following balloon dilatation, the stent was placed with the size of reference diameter. Post-ballooning was performed with a balloon 1 mm smaller than the reference diameter. In the case of balloon-expandable stent (BES), the sequence mentioned above was the same, but the post-ballooning process was omitted. Stent placement with a covered stent (CS) procedure was the same as the BES placement because balloon-expandable CS was used. Procedural success was defined as the residual stenosis <30% and no in-hospital major adverse events.
3) Management of rupture
When arterial rupture was found during the procedure, prompt balloon tamponade was done. The inevitable removal of the occluding balloon was needed due to the change of proper sheath for introducing CS or endograft limb. After the CS or endograft preparation, a suitable introducer sheath for the CS or endograft was inserted. A CS or limb endograft, 1 mm larger than the target artery diameter, was placed at the rupture site; post-ballooning was then done. Finally, we confirmed the rupture resolution with a completed angiogram.
4) Follow-up protocol
After the AIS procedure, all patients were evaluated clinically with physical examination and assessment of patients’ symptoms according to the Rutherford classification. The objective tests measuring ankle-brachial index (ABI) at rest were performed. If the patient had ischemic symptoms and ABI decreased more than 0.15, lower extremity computed tomography (CT)-angiography was done. Follow-up was performed at 1 month, 3 months, and then every 6 months for 2 years, and every 1 year thereafter. Physical examination was checked at follow-up, and ABI was performed before discharge and every year after that. A CT angiography was performed if the patient’s symptoms recurred and ABI decreased by more than 0.15 compared with the previous test.
5) Variables investigated
The incidence of iliac artery rupture was calculated on a per-patient basis. The following factors were analyzed to find out factors related to rupture: TASC (TransAtlantic Inter-Societal Consensus) classification [7], Calcium grade (grade 0, no calcification; grade 1, calcification circumference, 1˚-89˚; 2, 90˚-179˚; 3, 180˚-269˚; 4, 270˚-360˚) [8], stent type (BES versus SES), implementation of pre- and post-stent balloon inflation, and post-ballooning diameter (more than or less than 7 mm).
6) Statistical analysis
Continuous data are shown as mean after the normality test (Kolmogorof-Smirnov and Levene tests). Discrete data are shown as counts and percentages. The Chi-square test (or Fisher exact test) and independent-sample t-test were used to compare the ruptured and non-ruptured groups. Continuity correction with the Bonferroni test was done before the Chi-square test. The cumulative primary patency rate after AIS was estimated using Kaplan-Meier methods with the log-rank test. Findings were considered significant if the P-value was less than 0.05. Medcalc version 20.110 software was used for Kaplan-Meier methods, and all other statistical tests were performed using SPSS for Windows version 23.0 software (IBM Corp.).
1) Baseline patient characteristics
During the study, a total of 248 patients underwent stenting of abdominal aorta and iliac arteries with steno-occlusive diseases. Among them, six patients were excluded due to follow-up loss or missing medical records. Therefore, 242 patients (male, 86.8%; mean age, 68.8±10.0 years) were analyzed for this study (Fig. 1). Bilateral iliac artery stenting was performed in 22 patients. Associated comorbidities included hypertension in 181 patients (74.8%), diabetes in 117 patients (48.3%), cerebrovascular disease in 56 patients (23.1%), coronary artery disease in 37 patients (15.3%), dyslipidemia in 32 patients (13.2%), renal disease in 25 patients (10.3%), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 10 patients (4.1%). A history of smoking was noted in 44 patients (18.2%), whereas 62 patients (25.6%) were current smokers. Among 242 patients, 162 patients were treated with the SES and 80 patients with BES. Five patients used CS, and one patient used the limb endograft for the bailout procedure after rupture. Patient characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1 . Baseline patient characteristics.
Factors Total Patient groups P-valuea Unruptured Ruptured Number of patients 242 (100) 236 (97.5) 6 (2.5) Age (y) 68.8±10.0 68.8±10.0 66.7±8.5 0.617 Sex 0.801 Male 210 (86.8) 205 (86.9) 5 (83.3) Female 32 (13.2) 31 (13.1) 1 (16.7) Number of iliac arteriesb 264 (100) 258 (97.7) 6 (2.3) Diabetes 117 (48.3) 115 (48.7) 2 (33.3) 0.456 Hypertension 181 (74.8) 176 (74.6) 5 (83.3) 0.626 Coronary artery disease 37 (15.3) 36 (15.3) 1 (16.7) 0.924 Cerebrovascular disease 56 (23.1) 55 (23.3) 1 (16.7) 0.703 COPD 10 (4.1) 10 (4.2) 0 (0.0) 0.607 Dyslipidemia 32 (13.2) 31 (13.1) 1 (16.7) 0.801 Renal diseasec 25 (10.3) 25 (10.6) 0 (0.0) 0.400 Smoking 0.603 None 136 (56.2) 133 (56.4) 3 (50.0) Ex-smoker 44 (18.2) 42 (17.8) 2 (33.3) Current smoker 62 (25.6) 61 (25.8) 1 (16.7) Laboratory results Hemoglobin (g/dL) 13.2±2.1 13.2±2.1 13.7±2.2 0.573 Platelet (×103/μL) 245.3±79.3 246.8±78.3 179.2±101.1 0.038 Albumin (g/dL) 4.0±0.5 4.0±0.5 4.3±0.5 0.115 PT (INR) 1.0±0.1 1.0±0.1 0.98±0.04 0.318 aPTT (seconds) 35.6±15.7 35.7±15.9 31.1±3.4 0.486 Preoperative antiplatelet 41 (16.9) 41 (17.4) 0 (0.0) 0.324 Preoperative anticoagulation 5 (2.1) 5 (2.1) 0 (0.0) 0.881 Values are presented as number (%) or mean±standard deviation..
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PT, prothrombin time; INR, international normalized ratio; aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time..
aChi-square test or Fisher exact test was used (except laboratory results which were analyzed with independent samples t-tests). bBilateral iliac artery stenting was performed in 22 patients. cRenal disease was defined as the estimated glomerular filtration rate <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 or dialysis-dependent state..
Figure 1.Flow diagram.
2) Incidence of rupture
Iliac artery rupture occurred in six patients (2.5%). Fig. 2 demonstrates typical cases of iliac artery rupture and its management. All ruptures were detected by intraoperative angiography (Fig. 2A). All ruptures were managed with a CS or limb endograft, and completion angiography showed successful control of bleeding (Fig. 2B). The CS was used in five patients with iliac artery rupture. A limb endograft was used in one patient (Table 2). After the bail-out procedure for iliac artery rupture, the access site was successfully closed with the percutaneous closure device in all cases.
Table 2 . Details of patients with iliac artery rupture.
Number Age/sex Rupture site Calcification
gradeaRupture-related device Stent or balloon diameter (mm) Post-balloon
diameter (mm)Management
of rupture1 73/female EIA 0 SES 9 8 Covered stent 2 64/male EIA 1 SES 9 8 Covered stent 3 81/male EIA 1 SES 8 7 Endograft 4 60/male EIA 2 SES 9 8 Covered stent 5 62/male EIA 0 SCB 7 7 Covered stent 6 60/male EIA 1 SES 8 7 Covered stent EIA, external iliac artery; SES, self-expandable stent; SCB, semi-compliant balloon..
aCalcification grade was classified with the presence of circumferential calcium in one or more of the four 90 sectors: grade 0 (no calcification), grade 1 (0-90), grade 2 (0-180), grade 3 (0-270), and grade 4 (0-360)..
Figure 2.Iliac artery rupture and management. Images were taken of iliac artery rupture (A) (arrows) and its management (B) in four patients. Patient 1: right external iliac artery rupture at post-ballooning with 8 mm balloon catheter after placement of 9 mm self-expandable stent (Absolute Pro; Abbott) and managed with 9 mm covered stent (Viabahn; Gore). Patient 2: right external iliac artery rupture at post-ballooning with 9 mm balloon catheter (Armada; Abbott) after placement of 9 mm self-expandable stent and managed with 9 mm covered stent (Lifestream; BD). Patient 3: right external iliac artery rupture at ballooning with a 7 mm balloon catheter and managed with a 7 mm covered stent (Covera; BD). Patient 4: left external iliac artery rupture at post-ballooning with 7 mm balloon catheter (Mustang; Boston Scientific) after placement of 7 mm self-expandable stent (Absolute Pro; Abbott) and managed with 7 mm covered stent (Lifestream; BD).
3) Risk factor for rupture
There were no significant differences between the ruptured and non-ruptured groups in terms of sex (P=0.801), age (P=0.617), diabetes (P=0.456), hypertension (P=0.626), coronary artery disease (P=0.924), cerebrovascular disease (P=0.703), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P=0.703), dyslipidemia (P=0.801), renal disease (P=0.400), and smoking status (P=0.603). Preoperative platelet count significantly differed when comparing the rupture and non-rupture groups (P=0.038). In contrast, others, including hemoglobin, albumin, prothrombin time (PT), and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), showed no significant difference between the groups (P>0.05; Table 1).
In the analysis based on stent type, among 162 patients treated with the SES, six experienced ruptures whereas no rupture occurred in the 80 patients treated with BES. In all six patients with ruptures, the rupture site was the external iliac artery (EIA) (Table 2). Four patients soly experienced rupture during the treatment in the EIA, while the remaining two patients ruptured during stent placement from the common iliac to the EIA.
The TASC classification of the ruptured patient group was one (16.7%) type A, one (16.7%) type B, 0 (0.0%) type C, and four (66.7%) type D lesions. Regarding the TASC classification, there was no statistical significance (P=0.720). The calcification grade, which was classified with a degree of luminal calcification, showed statistical significance that the risk of rupture would increase if there was little or no calcification (P=0.028; Table 3). Table 4 demonstrated the pre-balloon, stents, and post-balloon diameters between unruptured and ruptured patients. The mean diameter of pre-balloon, stents, and post-balloon were 5.9±1.3 mm, 9.1±1.3 mm, and 7.8±1.1 mm, respectively. There was no statistical significance of iliac artery rupture depending on the diameter of the balloon and stents.
Table 3 . TASC classification and calcium grade of rupture and non-rupture patients.
Factors Total Patient groups P-valuea Unruptured Ruptured TASC classification (n=242) (n=236) (n=6) 0.720 A 45 (18.6) 44 (18.6) 1 (16.7) B 76 (31.4) 75 (31.8) 1 (16.7) C 24 (9.9) 24 (10.2) 0 (0.0) D 97 (40.1) 93 (39.4) 4 (66.7) Calcification gradeb (n=264) (n=258) (n=6) 0.028 0 16 (6.1) 14 (5.4) 2 (33.3) 1 77 (29.2) 74 (28.7) 3 (50.0) 2 56 (21.2) 55 (21.3) 1 (16.7) 3 67 (25.4) 67 (26.0) 0 (0.0) 4 48 (18.2) 48 (18.6) 0 (0.0) Values are presented as number (%)..
TASC, TransAtlantic Inter-Societal Consensus..
aFisher exact test was used to analyze the risk factors. bCalcification grade was classified with the presence of circumferential calcium in one or more of the four 90 sectors: grade 0 (no calcification), grade 1 (0-90), grade 2 (0-180), grade 3 (0-270), and grade 4 (0-360)..
Table 4 . Diameter of pre-balloon, stents, and post-balloon.
Factors Total Patient groups P-valuea Unruptured Ruptured Pre-balloon (mm) (n=187) 5.9±1.3 5.9±1.3 5.3±1.1 0.285 ≤4 21 (11.2) 20 (95.2) 1 (4.8) 0.453 ≥5 166 (88.8) 161 (97.0) 5 (3.0) 0.930 ≥6 71 (38.0) 71 (100) 0 (0.0) 0.066 Stents (mm) (n=250) 9.1±1.3 9.1±1.3 8.3±0.8 0.146 ≤7 16 (6.4) 15 (93.7) 1 (6.3) 0.330 ≥8 234 (93.6) 229 (97.9) 5 (2.1) 0.330 ≥9 168 (67.2) 165 (98.2) 3 (1.8) 0.214 Post-balloon (mm) (n=163) 7.8±1.1 7.8±1.1 7.8±0.8 0.923 ≤7 65 (39.9) 63 (96.9) 2 (3.1) 0.664 ≥8 97 (59.5) 94 (96.9) 3 (3.1) 0.683 ≥9 30 (18.4) 29 (96.7) 1 (3.3) 0.643 Values are presented as number (%) or mean±standard deviation..
aChi-square test was used (except continuous variables of diameter of balloon and stents which were analyzed with independent samples t-tests)..
4) Outcomes
There was no in-hospital or early mortality associated with rupture. Preoperative ABI was 0.73±0.23. Postoperative ABI increased with 1.01±0.18 (P<0.01). Follow-up ABIs were measured as 1.01±0.17, 1.01±0.19, and 1.03±0.21 at 1, 2, and 3 years, respectively (P<0.01). The overall primary patency rates were 98.0% and 93.4% at 12 and 36 months, respectively. The primary patency rates at 3 years according to stent type were 87.7%, 88.4%, and 100% for BES, SES, and CS, respectively. The primary patency rates at 1 and 3 years were 98.9% and 93.3% in the non-rupture group and 100% and 100% in the rupture group, respectively. The survival rates at 1 and 3 years were 97.0% and 91.8% in the non-rupture group and 100% and 100% in the rupture group, respectively. There were no significant differences in primary patency and overall survival rates between the rupture and non-rupture groups (P=0.88 for primary patency and P=0.57 for overall survival; Fig. 3).
Figure 3.Primary patency rate and overall survival rate.
For patients with AIOD, a range of surgical and endovascular treatment options are available. Primary stenting of the AIOD showed excellent long-term patency with decreased morbidity compared with open surgical procedures [9]. However, fatal complications of iliac artery rupture might be encountered during the endovascular procedures, although it uncommonly occurs. Reported rupture prevalence during iliac intervention ranged from 0.8% to 0.9% [10,11]. Awareness of the risk factors for rupture is important for preparing for rupture and thereby avoiding catastrophic consequences. Previous literature suggested luminal calcification, oversized balloon use, manual overinflation without manometric control, recent endarterectomy, diabetes mellitus, and corticosteroid use as risk factors [10,12-14].
Only a few reports dealt with the anatomic location prone to rupture during AIS. In our series, all of the ruptures occurred in the EIA. In addition, several reports showed ruptures in the EIA [15,16]. Firstly, the high risk of rupture in the EIA can be explained by its anatomical characteristics. The EIA is more curved and tortuous than the common iliac artery. The stent strut can likely penetrate through the arterial wall when the stent is inserted. Second, access sheaths can cause injury to the EIA when the retrograde approach is used for AIS [17]. Third, if the occluded lesion is an EIA, partial entry could be obtained through the subintimal space by the guidewire for recanalization. In this case, a stent is inserted into the subintimal space and compressed eccentrically by the plaque and thrombus in the true lumen, increasing the fragility of the artery [18]. Iliac artery ruptures have been reported in some studies by Fernandez et al. [19] in a single-center, single-surgeon experience with endovascular aneurysm repair and thoracic endovascular aortic repair.
An interesting result was obtained through this study, which was that the lower the calcification, the higher the risk of rupture. Generally, it is known that the more calcification, the higher the risk of iliac artery rupture [19-21]. The first reason for our result may be that the reported number of ruptures is too small, so the sample can lack sufficient power to generalize the results to the population. Second, if the calcification is severe, there can be a tendency not to attempt ballooning aggressively during the procedure. Therefore, calcification may act as a kind of confounding bias. Third, a small diameter of the target iliac artery can influence the rupture. Diameters of iliac artery ruptures were 7 mm in one patient, 8 mm in two patients, and 9 mm in three patients.
The endovascular management of iliac artery rupture was very successful in this study. Even with rupture, endovascular treatment has advantages over open surgery because it does not require the clamping of blood vessels and sutures of calcified vessels [22]. Several endovascular techniques can be utilized for iliac artery rupture, such as balloon tamponade, a coagulated thrombus injection, and stent graft placement [17,19,23-25]. If the rupture was confirmed during the procedure, temporary hemostasis should be performed through a balloon tamponade while preparing the CS or endograft, which has been mentioned in previous studies as well [26,27]. All ruptures were successfully managed without any rebleeding or complications throughout the follow-up. The successful results could be attributed to the fact that all ruptures were detected intraoperatively. There was no statistical difference in the primary patency rate and overall survival rate between ruptured and non-ruptured groups.
There are several limitations in our study. First, this study was a retrospective design. Factors that could be risk factors for rupture such as the duration of pre-ballooning and applied pressure were not used in this study due to many missing medical records. Second, there were only six patients with ruptures. A large-scale study is needed in the future. Nevertheless, we believed that our research had strength in that this study focused on the rupture during AIS, that has rarely been dealt with previously.
In this study, the prevalence of iliac artery rupture during AIS was 2.5%. Stent placement in the EIA and lower calcified lesion can be a risk factor for rupture. The preparation of CS or endograft is needed before AIS when the patient has a high-risk factor for iliac artery rupture.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Concept and design: all authors. Analysis and interpretation: all authors. Data collection: KJL, SC, JHJ. Writing the article: all authors. Critical revision of the article: all authors. Final approval of the article: all authors. Statistical analysis: all authors. Obtained funding: none. Overall responsibility: all authors.
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Original Article
Vasc Specialist Int (2024) 40:5
Published online February 23, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5758/vsi.230114
Copyright © The Korean Society for Vascular Surgery.
Incidence and Risk Factors of Iliac Artery Rupture during Aortoiliac Stenting
KwangJin Lee1 , Sungsin Cho1
, Hyangkyoung Kim2
, and Jin Hyun Joh1
1Department of Surgery, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Seoul,
2Department of Surgery, Ewha Womans University Medical Center, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to:Jin Hyun Joh
Department of Surgery, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, 892 Dongnam-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul 05278, Korea
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Purpose: Aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD) is widely prevalent and leads to severe claudication or chronic limb-threatening ischemia. Stent placement for AIOD demonstrated excellent outcomes in terms of long-term patency. However, iliac artery rupture is the most fearful complication during the aortoiliac stenting (AIS). This study aimed to evaluate the incidence and risk factors of iliac artery rupture during AIS.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of consecutive patients with AIOD treated with AIS from 2009 to 2021 was completed. We excluded patients with instent restenosis. All types of stents, including self-expanding stent (SES), balloon-expandable stent (BES), or balloon-expandable covered stent (CS), were used. Angiographic characteristics and procedural outcomes were analyzed. Procedural success was defined as the residual stenosis <30%.
Results: A total of 242 patients (86.8% male; mean age 68.8±10.0 years) with de novo AIOD were treated with AIS. The procedural success rate was 100%. Rupture occurred in six patients (2.5%) and all ruptures were occurred in the external iliac artery (EIA). Stenting of the EIA and less calcified lesion were risk factors for iliac rupture (P=0.028). All cases of iliac artery rupture were successfully treated with the CSs. Overall primary patency rates were 98.0% and 93.4% at 12 and 36 months, respectively. Primary patency rates of SES, BES, and CS were 87.7%, 88.4%, and 100% at 36 months, respectively.
Conclusion: The incidence of iliac artery rupture during AIS was 2.5%. Stent placement in the less calcified lesion and EIA was a risk factor for rupture during AIS. Placement of the CS can be the straightforward solution in case of iliac artery rupture during AIS.
Keywords: Iliac artery, Stents, Angioplasty, Rupture, Risk factors
Aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD) is widely prevalent and leads to severe claudication or chronic limb-threatening ischemia. Due to its comparable patency rate and lower morbidity than open surgery, endovascular treatment is widely used for steno-occlusive abdominal aorta and iliac artery disease [1-3]. However, there are still disadvantages because iliac artery rupture is one of the most fatal complications [4,5]. Retroperitoneal hemorrhage from an iliac artery is a potentially serious complication leading to hemorrhagic shock and death if not diagnosed early and treated promptly [6]. Therefore, it is important to anticipate the possibility of rupture and treat it appropriately when such a situation occurs.
Few studies have focused on the risk factors of iliac artery rupture following aortoiliac stenting (AIS) despite the wide use of stent placement in the iliac arteries. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence and risk factors for iliac artery rupture following AIS and to report the mid-term follow-up outcomes.
1) Study design
From 2009 to 2021, consecutive patients who underwent AIS due to abdominal aortic and iliac arterial steno-occlusive disease were included in this study. Two vascular surgeons performed all procedures in a single center. Patients who underwent unilateral or bilateral AIS procedures and patients who underwent at least one follow-up were included. We excluded the patients with in-stent restenosis. Four patients who had missing medical records were excluded from this study. Additionally, two patients were transferred to another hospital after operation due to personal issues. Thus, we excluded a total of six patients in this study. Clinical data and images were retrospectively reviewed for all patients. The primary outcome was the incidence of iliac artery rupture and its associated risk factors. The secondary outcome was the primary patency and survival rate.
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong (IRB no. KHUH-2022-06-043). The Institutional Review Board waived the need for informed consent because of a lack of information on the participant’s identity. This study complied with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
2) Procedure details
After femoral access was obtained under ultrasound guidance, heparin was given in doses up to 3,000 IU, and digital subtraction angiography was performed. In patients who underwent self-expanding stent (SES) placement, vessel preparation was performed using a balloon with a diameter equivalent to 50%-60% diameter of the original artery as reference diameter. Balloon inflation was maintained for a minimum of 1 minute. Following balloon dilatation, the stent was placed with the size of reference diameter. Post-ballooning was performed with a balloon 1 mm smaller than the reference diameter. In the case of balloon-expandable stent (BES), the sequence mentioned above was the same, but the post-ballooning process was omitted. Stent placement with a covered stent (CS) procedure was the same as the BES placement because balloon-expandable CS was used. Procedural success was defined as the residual stenosis <30% and no in-hospital major adverse events.
3) Management of rupture
When arterial rupture was found during the procedure, prompt balloon tamponade was done. The inevitable removal of the occluding balloon was needed due to the change of proper sheath for introducing CS or endograft limb. After the CS or endograft preparation, a suitable introducer sheath for the CS or endograft was inserted. A CS or limb endograft, 1 mm larger than the target artery diameter, was placed at the rupture site; post-ballooning was then done. Finally, we confirmed the rupture resolution with a completed angiogram.
4) Follow-up protocol
After the AIS procedure, all patients were evaluated clinically with physical examination and assessment of patients’ symptoms according to the Rutherford classification. The objective tests measuring ankle-brachial index (ABI) at rest were performed. If the patient had ischemic symptoms and ABI decreased more than 0.15, lower extremity computed tomography (CT)-angiography was done. Follow-up was performed at 1 month, 3 months, and then every 6 months for 2 years, and every 1 year thereafter. Physical examination was checked at follow-up, and ABI was performed before discharge and every year after that. A CT angiography was performed if the patient’s symptoms recurred and ABI decreased by more than 0.15 compared with the previous test.
5) Variables investigated
The incidence of iliac artery rupture was calculated on a per-patient basis. The following factors were analyzed to find out factors related to rupture: TASC (TransAtlantic Inter-Societal Consensus) classification [7], Calcium grade (grade 0, no calcification; grade 1, calcification circumference, 1˚-89˚; 2, 90˚-179˚; 3, 180˚-269˚; 4, 270˚-360˚) [8], stent type (BES versus SES), implementation of pre- and post-stent balloon inflation, and post-ballooning diameter (more than or less than 7 mm).
6) Statistical analysis
Continuous data are shown as mean after the normality test (Kolmogorof-Smirnov and Levene tests). Discrete data are shown as counts and percentages. The Chi-square test (or Fisher exact test) and independent-sample t-test were used to compare the ruptured and non-ruptured groups. Continuity correction with the Bonferroni test was done before the Chi-square test. The cumulative primary patency rate after AIS was estimated using Kaplan-Meier methods with the log-rank test. Findings were considered significant if the P-value was less than 0.05. Medcalc version 20.110 software was used for Kaplan-Meier methods, and all other statistical tests were performed using SPSS for Windows version 23.0 software (IBM Corp.).
1) Baseline patient characteristics
During the study, a total of 248 patients underwent stenting of abdominal aorta and iliac arteries with steno-occlusive diseases. Among them, six patients were excluded due to follow-up loss or missing medical records. Therefore, 242 patients (male, 86.8%; mean age, 68.8±10.0 years) were analyzed for this study (Fig. 1). Bilateral iliac artery stenting was performed in 22 patients. Associated comorbidities included hypertension in 181 patients (74.8%), diabetes in 117 patients (48.3%), cerebrovascular disease in 56 patients (23.1%), coronary artery disease in 37 patients (15.3%), dyslipidemia in 32 patients (13.2%), renal disease in 25 patients (10.3%), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 10 patients (4.1%). A history of smoking was noted in 44 patients (18.2%), whereas 62 patients (25.6%) were current smokers. Among 242 patients, 162 patients were treated with the SES and 80 patients with BES. Five patients used CS, and one patient used the limb endograft for the bailout procedure after rupture. Patient characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1 . Baseline patient characteristics.
Factors Total Patient groups P-valuea Unruptured Ruptured Number of patients 242 (100) 236 (97.5) 6 (2.5) Age (y) 68.8±10.0 68.8±10.0 66.7±8.5 0.617 Sex 0.801 Male 210 (86.8) 205 (86.9) 5 (83.3) Female 32 (13.2) 31 (13.1) 1 (16.7) Number of iliac arteriesb 264 (100) 258 (97.7) 6 (2.3) Diabetes 117 (48.3) 115 (48.7) 2 (33.3) 0.456 Hypertension 181 (74.8) 176 (74.6) 5 (83.3) 0.626 Coronary artery disease 37 (15.3) 36 (15.3) 1 (16.7) 0.924 Cerebrovascular disease 56 (23.1) 55 (23.3) 1 (16.7) 0.703 COPD 10 (4.1) 10 (4.2) 0 (0.0) 0.607 Dyslipidemia 32 (13.2) 31 (13.1) 1 (16.7) 0.801 Renal diseasec 25 (10.3) 25 (10.6) 0 (0.0) 0.400 Smoking 0.603 None 136 (56.2) 133 (56.4) 3 (50.0) Ex-smoker 44 (18.2) 42 (17.8) 2 (33.3) Current smoker 62 (25.6) 61 (25.8) 1 (16.7) Laboratory results Hemoglobin (g/dL) 13.2±2.1 13.2±2.1 13.7±2.2 0.573 Platelet (×103/μL) 245.3±79.3 246.8±78.3 179.2±101.1 0.038 Albumin (g/dL) 4.0±0.5 4.0±0.5 4.3±0.5 0.115 PT (INR) 1.0±0.1 1.0±0.1 0.98±0.04 0.318 aPTT (seconds) 35.6±15.7 35.7±15.9 31.1±3.4 0.486 Preoperative antiplatelet 41 (16.9) 41 (17.4) 0 (0.0) 0.324 Preoperative anticoagulation 5 (2.1) 5 (2.1) 0 (0.0) 0.881 Values are presented as number (%) or mean±standard deviation..
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PT, prothrombin time; INR, international normalized ratio; aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time..
aChi-square test or Fisher exact test was used (except laboratory results which were analyzed with independent samples t-tests). bBilateral iliac artery stenting was performed in 22 patients. cRenal disease was defined as the estimated glomerular filtration rate <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 or dialysis-dependent state..
Figure 1. Flow diagram.
2) Incidence of rupture
Iliac artery rupture occurred in six patients (2.5%). Fig. 2 demonstrates typical cases of iliac artery rupture and its management. All ruptures were detected by intraoperative angiography (Fig. 2A). All ruptures were managed with a CS or limb endograft, and completion angiography showed successful control of bleeding (Fig. 2B). The CS was used in five patients with iliac artery rupture. A limb endograft was used in one patient (Table 2). After the bail-out procedure for iliac artery rupture, the access site was successfully closed with the percutaneous closure device in all cases.
Table 2 . Details of patients with iliac artery rupture.
Number Age/sex Rupture site Calcification
gradeaRupture-related device Stent or balloon diameter (mm) Post-balloon
diameter (mm)Management
of rupture1 73/female EIA 0 SES 9 8 Covered stent 2 64/male EIA 1 SES 9 8 Covered stent 3 81/male EIA 1 SES 8 7 Endograft 4 60/male EIA 2 SES 9 8 Covered stent 5 62/male EIA 0 SCB 7 7 Covered stent 6 60/male EIA 1 SES 8 7 Covered stent EIA, external iliac artery; SES, self-expandable stent; SCB, semi-compliant balloon..
aCalcification grade was classified with the presence of circumferential calcium in one or more of the four 90 sectors: grade 0 (no calcification), grade 1 (0-90), grade 2 (0-180), grade 3 (0-270), and grade 4 (0-360)..
Figure 2. Iliac artery rupture and management. Images were taken of iliac artery rupture (A) (arrows) and its management (B) in four patients. Patient 1: right external iliac artery rupture at post-ballooning with 8 mm balloon catheter after placement of 9 mm self-expandable stent (Absolute Pro; Abbott) and managed with 9 mm covered stent (Viabahn; Gore). Patient 2: right external iliac artery rupture at post-ballooning with 9 mm balloon catheter (Armada; Abbott) after placement of 9 mm self-expandable stent and managed with 9 mm covered stent (Lifestream; BD). Patient 3: right external iliac artery rupture at ballooning with a 7 mm balloon catheter and managed with a 7 mm covered stent (Covera; BD). Patient 4: left external iliac artery rupture at post-ballooning with 7 mm balloon catheter (Mustang; Boston Scientific) after placement of 7 mm self-expandable stent (Absolute Pro; Abbott) and managed with 7 mm covered stent (Lifestream; BD).
3) Risk factor for rupture
There were no significant differences between the ruptured and non-ruptured groups in terms of sex (P=0.801), age (P=0.617), diabetes (P=0.456), hypertension (P=0.626), coronary artery disease (P=0.924), cerebrovascular disease (P=0.703), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P=0.703), dyslipidemia (P=0.801), renal disease (P=0.400), and smoking status (P=0.603). Preoperative platelet count significantly differed when comparing the rupture and non-rupture groups (P=0.038). In contrast, others, including hemoglobin, albumin, prothrombin time (PT), and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), showed no significant difference between the groups (P>0.05; Table 1).
In the analysis based on stent type, among 162 patients treated with the SES, six experienced ruptures whereas no rupture occurred in the 80 patients treated with BES. In all six patients with ruptures, the rupture site was the external iliac artery (EIA) (Table 2). Four patients soly experienced rupture during the treatment in the EIA, while the remaining two patients ruptured during stent placement from the common iliac to the EIA.
The TASC classification of the ruptured patient group was one (16.7%) type A, one (16.7%) type B, 0 (0.0%) type C, and four (66.7%) type D lesions. Regarding the TASC classification, there was no statistical significance (P=0.720). The calcification grade, which was classified with a degree of luminal calcification, showed statistical significance that the risk of rupture would increase if there was little or no calcification (P=0.028; Table 3). Table 4 demonstrated the pre-balloon, stents, and post-balloon diameters between unruptured and ruptured patients. The mean diameter of pre-balloon, stents, and post-balloon were 5.9±1.3 mm, 9.1±1.3 mm, and 7.8±1.1 mm, respectively. There was no statistical significance of iliac artery rupture depending on the diameter of the balloon and stents.
Table 3 . TASC classification and calcium grade of rupture and non-rupture patients.
Factors Total Patient groups P-valuea Unruptured Ruptured TASC classification (n=242) (n=236) (n=6) 0.720 A 45 (18.6) 44 (18.6) 1 (16.7) B 76 (31.4) 75 (31.8) 1 (16.7) C 24 (9.9) 24 (10.2) 0 (0.0) D 97 (40.1) 93 (39.4) 4 (66.7) Calcification gradeb (n=264) (n=258) (n=6) 0.028 0 16 (6.1) 14 (5.4) 2 (33.3) 1 77 (29.2) 74 (28.7) 3 (50.0) 2 56 (21.2) 55 (21.3) 1 (16.7) 3 67 (25.4) 67 (26.0) 0 (0.0) 4 48 (18.2) 48 (18.6) 0 (0.0) Values are presented as number (%)..
TASC, TransAtlantic Inter-Societal Consensus..
aFisher exact test was used to analyze the risk factors. bCalcification grade was classified with the presence of circumferential calcium in one or more of the four 90 sectors: grade 0 (no calcification), grade 1 (0-90), grade 2 (0-180), grade 3 (0-270), and grade 4 (0-360)..
Table 4 . Diameter of pre-balloon, stents, and post-balloon.
Factors Total Patient groups P-valuea Unruptured Ruptured Pre-balloon (mm) (n=187) 5.9±1.3 5.9±1.3 5.3±1.1 0.285 ≤4 21 (11.2) 20 (95.2) 1 (4.8) 0.453 ≥5 166 (88.8) 161 (97.0) 5 (3.0) 0.930 ≥6 71 (38.0) 71 (100) 0 (0.0) 0.066 Stents (mm) (n=250) 9.1±1.3 9.1±1.3 8.3±0.8 0.146 ≤7 16 (6.4) 15 (93.7) 1 (6.3) 0.330 ≥8 234 (93.6) 229 (97.9) 5 (2.1) 0.330 ≥9 168 (67.2) 165 (98.2) 3 (1.8) 0.214 Post-balloon (mm) (n=163) 7.8±1.1 7.8±1.1 7.8±0.8 0.923 ≤7 65 (39.9) 63 (96.9) 2 (3.1) 0.664 ≥8 97 (59.5) 94 (96.9) 3 (3.1) 0.683 ≥9 30 (18.4) 29 (96.7) 1 (3.3) 0.643 Values are presented as number (%) or mean±standard deviation..
aChi-square test was used (except continuous variables of diameter of balloon and stents which were analyzed with independent samples t-tests)..
4) Outcomes
There was no in-hospital or early mortality associated with rupture. Preoperative ABI was 0.73±0.23. Postoperative ABI increased with 1.01±0.18 (P<0.01). Follow-up ABIs were measured as 1.01±0.17, 1.01±0.19, and 1.03±0.21 at 1, 2, and 3 years, respectively (P<0.01). The overall primary patency rates were 98.0% and 93.4% at 12 and 36 months, respectively. The primary patency rates at 3 years according to stent type were 87.7%, 88.4%, and 100% for BES, SES, and CS, respectively. The primary patency rates at 1 and 3 years were 98.9% and 93.3% in the non-rupture group and 100% and 100% in the rupture group, respectively. The survival rates at 1 and 3 years were 97.0% and 91.8% in the non-rupture group and 100% and 100% in the rupture group, respectively. There were no significant differences in primary patency and overall survival rates between the rupture and non-rupture groups (P=0.88 for primary patency and P=0.57 for overall survival; Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Primary patency rate and overall survival rate.
For patients with AIOD, a range of surgical and endovascular treatment options are available. Primary stenting of the AIOD showed excellent long-term patency with decreased morbidity compared with open surgical procedures [9]. However, fatal complications of iliac artery rupture might be encountered during the endovascular procedures, although it uncommonly occurs. Reported rupture prevalence during iliac intervention ranged from 0.8% to 0.9% [10,11]. Awareness of the risk factors for rupture is important for preparing for rupture and thereby avoiding catastrophic consequences. Previous literature suggested luminal calcification, oversized balloon use, manual overinflation without manometric control, recent endarterectomy, diabetes mellitus, and corticosteroid use as risk factors [10,12-14].
Only a few reports dealt with the anatomic location prone to rupture during AIS. In our series, all of the ruptures occurred in the EIA. In addition, several reports showed ruptures in the EIA [15,16]. Firstly, the high risk of rupture in the EIA can be explained by its anatomical characteristics. The EIA is more curved and tortuous than the common iliac artery. The stent strut can likely penetrate through the arterial wall when the stent is inserted. Second, access sheaths can cause injury to the EIA when the retrograde approach is used for AIS [17]. Third, if the occluded lesion is an EIA, partial entry could be obtained through the subintimal space by the guidewire for recanalization. In this case, a stent is inserted into the subintimal space and compressed eccentrically by the plaque and thrombus in the true lumen, increasing the fragility of the artery [18]. Iliac artery ruptures have been reported in some studies by Fernandez et al. [19] in a single-center, single-surgeon experience with endovascular aneurysm repair and thoracic endovascular aortic repair.
An interesting result was obtained through this study, which was that the lower the calcification, the higher the risk of rupture. Generally, it is known that the more calcification, the higher the risk of iliac artery rupture [19-21]. The first reason for our result may be that the reported number of ruptures is too small, so the sample can lack sufficient power to generalize the results to the population. Second, if the calcification is severe, there can be a tendency not to attempt ballooning aggressively during the procedure. Therefore, calcification may act as a kind of confounding bias. Third, a small diameter of the target iliac artery can influence the rupture. Diameters of iliac artery ruptures were 7 mm in one patient, 8 mm in two patients, and 9 mm in three patients.
The endovascular management of iliac artery rupture was very successful in this study. Even with rupture, endovascular treatment has advantages over open surgery because it does not require the clamping of blood vessels and sutures of calcified vessels [22]. Several endovascular techniques can be utilized for iliac artery rupture, such as balloon tamponade, a coagulated thrombus injection, and stent graft placement [17,19,23-25]. If the rupture was confirmed during the procedure, temporary hemostasis should be performed through a balloon tamponade while preparing the CS or endograft, which has been mentioned in previous studies as well [26,27]. All ruptures were successfully managed without any rebleeding or complications throughout the follow-up. The successful results could be attributed to the fact that all ruptures were detected intraoperatively. There was no statistical difference in the primary patency rate and overall survival rate between ruptured and non-ruptured groups.
There are several limitations in our study. First, this study was a retrospective design. Factors that could be risk factors for rupture such as the duration of pre-ballooning and applied pressure were not used in this study due to many missing medical records. Second, there were only six patients with ruptures. A large-scale study is needed in the future. Nevertheless, we believed that our research had strength in that this study focused on the rupture during AIS, that has rarely been dealt with previously.
In this study, the prevalence of iliac artery rupture during AIS was 2.5%. Stent placement in the EIA and lower calcified lesion can be a risk factor for rupture. The preparation of CS or endograft is needed before AIS when the patient has a high-risk factor for iliac artery rupture.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Concept and design: all authors. Analysis and interpretation: all authors. Data collection: KJL, SC, JHJ. Writing the article: all authors. Critical revision of the article: all authors. Final approval of the article: all authors. Statistical analysis: all authors. Obtained funding: none. Overall responsibility: all authors.
Fig 1.

Fig 2.

Fig 3.

Table 1 . Baseline patient characteristics.
Factors Total Patient groups P-valuea Unruptured Ruptured Number of patients 242 (100) 236 (97.5) 6 (2.5) Age (y) 68.8±10.0 68.8±10.0 66.7±8.5 0.617 Sex 0.801 Male 210 (86.8) 205 (86.9) 5 (83.3) Female 32 (13.2) 31 (13.1) 1 (16.7) Number of iliac arteriesb 264 (100) 258 (97.7) 6 (2.3) Diabetes 117 (48.3) 115 (48.7) 2 (33.3) 0.456 Hypertension 181 (74.8) 176 (74.6) 5 (83.3) 0.626 Coronary artery disease 37 (15.3) 36 (15.3) 1 (16.7) 0.924 Cerebrovascular disease 56 (23.1) 55 (23.3) 1 (16.7) 0.703 COPD 10 (4.1) 10 (4.2) 0 (0.0) 0.607 Dyslipidemia 32 (13.2) 31 (13.1) 1 (16.7) 0.801 Renal diseasec 25 (10.3) 25 (10.6) 0 (0.0) 0.400 Smoking 0.603 None 136 (56.2) 133 (56.4) 3 (50.0) Ex-smoker 44 (18.2) 42 (17.8) 2 (33.3) Current smoker 62 (25.6) 61 (25.8) 1 (16.7) Laboratory results Hemoglobin (g/dL) 13.2±2.1 13.2±2.1 13.7±2.2 0.573 Platelet (×103/μL) 245.3±79.3 246.8±78.3 179.2±101.1 0.038 Albumin (g/dL) 4.0±0.5 4.0±0.5 4.3±0.5 0.115 PT (INR) 1.0±0.1 1.0±0.1 0.98±0.04 0.318 aPTT (seconds) 35.6±15.7 35.7±15.9 31.1±3.4 0.486 Preoperative antiplatelet 41 (16.9) 41 (17.4) 0 (0.0) 0.324 Preoperative anticoagulation 5 (2.1) 5 (2.1) 0 (0.0) 0.881 Values are presented as number (%) or mean±standard deviation..
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PT, prothrombin time; INR, international normalized ratio; aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time..
aChi-square test or Fisher exact test was used (except laboratory results which were analyzed with independent samples t-tests). bBilateral iliac artery stenting was performed in 22 patients. cRenal disease was defined as the estimated glomerular filtration rate <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 or dialysis-dependent state..
Table 2 . Details of patients with iliac artery rupture.
Number Age/sex Rupture site Calcification
gradeaRupture-related device Stent or balloon diameter (mm) Post-balloon
diameter (mm)Management
of rupture1 73/female EIA 0 SES 9 8 Covered stent 2 64/male EIA 1 SES 9 8 Covered stent 3 81/male EIA 1 SES 8 7 Endograft 4 60/male EIA 2 SES 9 8 Covered stent 5 62/male EIA 0 SCB 7 7 Covered stent 6 60/male EIA 1 SES 8 7 Covered stent EIA, external iliac artery; SES, self-expandable stent; SCB, semi-compliant balloon..
aCalcification grade was classified with the presence of circumferential calcium in one or more of the four 90 sectors: grade 0 (no calcification), grade 1 (0-90), grade 2 (0-180), grade 3 (0-270), and grade 4 (0-360)..
Table 3 . TASC classification and calcium grade of rupture and non-rupture patients.
Factors Total Patient groups P-valuea Unruptured Ruptured TASC classification (n=242) (n=236) (n=6) 0.720 A 45 (18.6) 44 (18.6) 1 (16.7) B 76 (31.4) 75 (31.8) 1 (16.7) C 24 (9.9) 24 (10.2) 0 (0.0) D 97 (40.1) 93 (39.4) 4 (66.7) Calcification gradeb (n=264) (n=258) (n=6) 0.028 0 16 (6.1) 14 (5.4) 2 (33.3) 1 77 (29.2) 74 (28.7) 3 (50.0) 2 56 (21.2) 55 (21.3) 1 (16.7) 3 67 (25.4) 67 (26.0) 0 (0.0) 4 48 (18.2) 48 (18.6) 0 (0.0) Values are presented as number (%)..
TASC, TransAtlantic Inter-Societal Consensus..
aFisher exact test was used to analyze the risk factors. bCalcification grade was classified with the presence of circumferential calcium in one or more of the four 90 sectors: grade 0 (no calcification), grade 1 (0-90), grade 2 (0-180), grade 3 (0-270), and grade 4 (0-360)..
Table 4 . Diameter of pre-balloon, stents, and post-balloon.
Factors Total Patient groups P-valuea Unruptured Ruptured Pre-balloon (mm) (n=187) 5.9±1.3 5.9±1.3 5.3±1.1 0.285 ≤4 21 (11.2) 20 (95.2) 1 (4.8) 0.453 ≥5 166 (88.8) 161 (97.0) 5 (3.0) 0.930 ≥6 71 (38.0) 71 (100) 0 (0.0) 0.066 Stents (mm) (n=250) 9.1±1.3 9.1±1.3 8.3±0.8 0.146 ≤7 16 (6.4) 15 (93.7) 1 (6.3) 0.330 ≥8 234 (93.6) 229 (97.9) 5 (2.1) 0.330 ≥9 168 (67.2) 165 (98.2) 3 (1.8) 0.214 Post-balloon (mm) (n=163) 7.8±1.1 7.8±1.1 7.8±0.8 0.923 ≤7 65 (39.9) 63 (96.9) 2 (3.1) 0.664 ≥8 97 (59.5) 94 (96.9) 3 (3.1) 0.683 ≥9 30 (18.4) 29 (96.7) 1 (3.3) 0.643 Values are presented as number (%) or mean±standard deviation..
aChi-square test was used (except continuous variables of diameter of balloon and stents which were analyzed with independent samples t-tests)..
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