Case Report
Late Type III Endoleak after Loss of Component Overlap after EVAR with AFX2 Device: A Case Report
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Vasc Specialist Int (2023) 39:6
Published online March 30, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Vascular Surgery.
Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) has been increasingly used to treat abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). Endografts have been improved to reduce complications, including endoleaks, and overcome anatomical limitations. Anatomical fixation on the aortic bifurcation and a modular proximal cuff for the aortic seal distinguishes the AFX Endovascular AAA System (Endologix) from many other proximal fixed endograft products [1]. Although the AFX with Strata, an early AFX model, has several advantages associated with anatomical fixation, there have been some reports of an increase in late type IIIa endoleaks (T3aE) [2,3]. In response, Endologix improved the device material and released the AFX with Duraply in 2014 and the AFX2 in 2016. Additionally, recommendations regarding component overlap were updated to decrease the risk of endoleaks [4].
Several studies have demonstrated a decrease in T3aE rates with the AFX and AFX2 [5]. However, whether these implants are safe with respect to T3aE remains controversial [6], particularly with regard to long-term outcomes. Here we describe a case of an AFX2-implanted AAA in which the overlap between the components was lost during follow-up due to conformational changes, resulting in a massive T3aE. This case report was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Seoul National University Hospital (no. 2102-107-1197), which waived the requirement for informed consent owing to the retrospective nature of the study.
A 67-year-old male was referred to the vascular department with aneurysmal sac enlargement 36 months after EVAR and admitted for the treatment of acute kidney injury.
The initial EVAR was performed at an outside hospital using an AFX2 endograft. The patient was on aspirin due to cerebral infarction, had a history of tumorectomy for meningioma, and was on hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease. At the time of EVAR, the aneurysm was 5.7 cm, and the infrarenal neck angle was 78°. The previous EVAR involved the AFX2 main body (diameter: 28 mm), AFX2 proximal extension (diameter: 34 mm) and a 16-13-mm Endurant II (Medtronic) limb extension after right internal iliac artery embolization (Fig. 1).
Figure 1.(A) The procedural schematic illustration and (B) a post-endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) fluoroscopic image. The overlap length was approximately 5 cm at the time of EVAR.
On the first follow-up computed tomography (CT) performed 12 months post-EVAR, the maximal diameter of the aneurysmal sac was 5.1 cm (Fig. 2A). However, during further surveillance on CT angiography, the sac size gradually increased to 5.6 cm at 22 months and 5.9 cm at 39 months post-EVAR (Fig. 2B). No endoleak was found in either the arterial or delayed phases of the follow-up CT angiography. To evaluate the cause of the sac enlargement, aortography was performed at 36 months post-EVAR; however, no definitive endoleak was detected (Fig. 2C). Although surgical intervention was recommended because of a possible type V endoleak, the patient declined treatment and was discharged.
Figure 2.Follow-up computed tomography and diagnostic aortography images. (A) At 12 months post-endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), the aneurysmal sac measured 51 mm×68 mm. (B) At 39 months post-EVAR, the aneurysmal sac increased to 59 mm×80 mm. (C) Aortography revealed no evidence of endoleaks.
At 52 months post-EVAR, the patient presented to the emergency room with anemia that developed after hemodialysis, and a CT scan revealed an enlarged aneurysmal sac measuring 6.7 cm. Component overlap had been completely lost, resulting in a large endoleak (Fig. 3A). Aortography confirmed component separation and contrast leakage, indicating the presence of a T3aE (Fig. 3B). A review of previous CT scans revealed a gradual, persistent decrease in component overlap (Fig. 4). Considering the hostile anatomy and severe neck angulation, an open surgical repair was performed. Total endograft explantation and endoaneurysmal aorto-biiliac interposition grafting were performed using a transabdominal approach. Inflow was controlled by clamping the proximal infrarenal aorta. All endografts were explanted except for the right distal endograft (Endurant limb extension), which was partially removed by transection at the level of the external iliac artery and sutured together with the remaining vessel wall at the graft-artery anastomosis. The patient was discharged 13 days postoperatively and remained well during 10 weeks of follow-up.
Figure 3.Computed tomography (CT) and aortography at 52 months post-endovascular aneurysm repair. (A) CT scan demonstrated an enlarged aneurysmal sac and contrast leakage out of the endograft (arrows). (B) Aortography revealed a loss of component overlap and contrast leakage (arrow).
Figure 4.A gradual decrease was noted in component overlap. At the time of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), the overlap length was about 5 cm. A serial images of the computed tomography scans revealed progressive loss of component overlap.
Despite improvements made to the AFX2 device to address endoleak issues, controversy persists regarding its safety [7-9]. Previous studies have reported the occurrence of delayed T3aE, especially with early AFX models [6,8]. T3aE is a serious concern, as it re-exposes the AAA sac to direct arterial pressure, potentially leading to sac enlargement, rupture, and death. To prevent T3aE, preoperative planning and appropriate selection of endograft components are essential [10]. Various factors influence the long-term junctional durability of modular endograft systems, including AAA size, proper device sizing and selection, angulation at the overlap zones, maximizing overlap between modular components, usage of additional overlapping stent grafts in hostile anatomy, and avoiding excessive oversizing of the proximal extension relative to the main body [11,12].
To mitigate the endoleak issue, Endologix’s instruction for use (IFU) recommends sufficient overlap consisting of a length greater than the aneurysmal radius plus 20 mm between the distal bifurcated and proximal endograft components of its AFX2 device [4]. In the current case, with an aneurysm diameter of 57.3 mm, an ideal overlap of ≥48 mm was required, which was almost satisfied at the time of the EVAR procedure. Regarding neck angle, Endologix recommends using the AFX2 device in patients with an angle ≤60°. Our case was off-IFU in this regard, as the initial neck angle at the time of EVAR was 78°. Acute angulation in the overlap zone may have contributed to the development of the late endoleaks. While on-IFU use of EVAR devices is recommended, in inevitable cases of severe angulation, such as off-IFU, a telescopic technique during deployment has been proposed to achieve better graft–aorta attachment [13].
Although preventing endoleaks is crucial, patients with off-IFU application require more careful and prolonged surveillance. In our case, the sac initially showed an increased size without a clear endoleak and was thus diagnosed as endotension [14]. Endotension is generally attributed to unrecognized endoleaks, pressure transmission through the endograft wall, or transudate migration through the endograft owing to porosity [15]. In the case of true endotension without an undetected endoleak, blood is absent in the aneurysmal sac and rupture is unlikely to cause massive hemorrhage [16]. However, as demonstrated in our case, endotension can cause morphological changes in the aneurysm, disrupting the device and inducing a potential new endoleak. Thus, treatment is generally recommended if the sac continues to increase during surveillance, even if no evidence of an endoleak is observed.
Upon the diagnosis of the massive T3aE, open surgical treatment was chosen over endovascular re-lining. The choice of endovascular or open treatment for T3aE is complex and depends on the location of the endoleak and anatomy of the aortic neck [17]. While a recent report indicated that re-lining has a comparable aneurysm exclusion rate in failed AFX with faster recovery and lower mortality [18], the long-term outcomes and potential for re-lining to replace surgical repair in patients with hostile anatomy remain unclear. Furthermore, the AFX2 endograft has an endoskeleton design with the stent material located inside the fabric, which is fixed only at the top and bottom [19]. Such morphological characteristics may limit the ability to completely seal leakage upon re-lining with other endografts with exoskeleton designs. In our case, severe angulation of the previous AFX2 was another reason we chose surgical repair over re-lining. Safely advancing the guidewires and endografts into the angled uncoupled AFX2 with endoskeletons would have been technically challenging.
In conclusion, patients who undergo EVAR using an AFX2 require continuous surveillance and increased clinician awareness of aneurysmal sac enlargement. Despite the upgrade in AFX2, the issue of T3aE seems to persist. Especially when patients with a hostile anatomy are considered for treatment with an AFX2, ample component overlap may be necessary to prevent late T3aE. Most importantly, these patients should be carefully monitored for any conformational changes and, in cases of endoleak with sac enlargement, open repair or endovascular re-lining should be considered.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Concept and design: AH. Analysis and interpretation: MK. Data collection: MK. Writing the article: MK. Critical revision of the article: SA, SKM, AH. Final approval of the article: all authors. Overall responsibility: AH.
- Welborn MB 3rd, McDaniel HB, Johnson RC, Kennedy RE, Knott A, Mundinger GH, et al. Clinical outcome of an extended proximal seal zone with the AFX endovascular aortic aneurysm system. J Vasc Surg 2014;60:876-883; discussion 883-884.
- Forsyth A, Carlson S, Martin M, Raffetto J, Alfson D, McPhee J. Late type III endoleaks are common in early generation Endologix AFX stent grafts. J Vasc Surg 2022;76:680-687.
- Lemmon GW, Motaganahalli RL, Chang T, Slaven J, Aumiller B, Kim BJ, et al. Failure mode analysis of the Endologix endograft. J Vasc Surg 2016;64:571-576.
- Important. Important safety update: medical device correction for the AFXⓇ endovascular AAA system [Internet]. Endologix; 2018 [cited 2022 Aug 31]. Available from:
- Vetsch R, Garrett HE Jr, Stout CL, Wladis AR, Thompson M, Lombardi JV. Midterm outcomes of 455 patients receiving the AFX2 endovascular graft for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm: a retrospective multi-center analysis. PLoS One 2021;
- Chang RW, Rothenberg KA, Harris JE, Gologorsky RC, Hsu JH, Rehring TF, et al. Midterm outcomes for 605 patients receiving Endologix AFX or AFX2 Endovascular AAA Systems in an integrated healthcare system. J Vasc Surg 2021;73:856-866.
- Chen JF, Brahmandam A, Harris S, Fischer U, Nassiri N. Elucidating the role of the AFX2 endograft in endovascular treatment of aortic pathology. Ann Vasc Surg 2022;86:328-337.
- Hoshina K, Suhara M, Miyahara K, Mochizuki Y, Taniguchi R, Takayama T. Midterm outcomes of AFX2 endografts used in combination with aortic cuffs. J Vasc Surg 2023;77:424-431.e1.
- Cuozzo S, Miceli F, Marzano A, Martinelli O, Gattuso R, Sbarigia E. Surgery for late type Ia/IIIb endoleak from a fabric tear and stent fracture of AFX2 stent graft. J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech 2022;8:458-461.
- Kouvelos GN, Nana P, Bouris V, Peroulis M, Drakou A, Rousas N, et al. Initial clinical experience with the endologix AFX unibody stent graft system for treating patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms: a case controlled comparative study. Vasc Specialist Int 2017;33:16-21.
- Skibba AA, Evans JR, Greenfield DT, Yoon HR, Katras T, Ouriel K, et al. Management of late main-body aortic endograft component uncoupling and type IIIa endoleak encountered with the Endologix Powerlink and AFX platforms. J Vasc Surg 2015;62:868-875.
- Dryjski M, Harris L. Complications in endovascular surgery: peri-procedural prevention and treatment. Elsevier; 2020.
- Jo E, Ahn S, Min SK, Mo H, Jae HJ, Hur S. Initial experience and potential advantages of AFX2 bifurcated endograft system: comparative case series. Vasc Specialist Int 2019;35:209-216.
- Parsa P, Das Gupta J, McNally M, Chandra V. Endotension: what do we know and not know about this enigmatic complication of endovascular aneurysm repair. J Vasc Surg 2021;74:639-645.
- Torres-Blanco Á, Miralles-Hernández M. Endotension: twenty years of a controversial term. CVIR Endovasc 2021;
- Mennander A, Pimenoff G, Heikkinen M, Partio T, Zeitlin R, Salenius JP. Nonoperative approach to endotension. J Vasc Surg 2005;42:194-199.
- Stoecker JB, Glaser JD. Review of type III endoleaks. Semin Intervent Radiol 2020;37:371-376.
- Bianco MP, Blazick EA, Malka KT, Ta TM, Hawkins RE, Bloch PH, et al. Endovascular repair of delayed Endologix AFX graft failure is superior to open repair with explant. Ann Vasc Surg 2022;79:398-399.
- Georgakarakos E, Ioannidis G, Koutsoumpelis A, Papatheodorou N, Argyriou C, Spanos K, et al. The AFX unibody bifurcated unibody aortic endograft for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms: current evidence and future perspectives. Expert Rev Med Devices 2020;17:5-15.
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Case Report
Vasc Specialist Int (2023) 39:6
Published online March 30, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Vascular Surgery.
Late Type III Endoleak after Loss of Component Overlap after EVAR with AFX2 Device: A Case Report
Myeonghyeon Ko , Sanghyun Ahn
, Seung-Kee Min
, and Ahram Han
Division of Vascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to:Ahram Han
Division of Vascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, 101 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03080, Korea
Tel: 82-2-2072-0783
Fax: 82-2-766-3975
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Addressing the high incidence of late type III endoleaks in previous AFX models, Endologix upgraded the device material and updated its recommendation regarding component overlap. However, whether upgraded AFX2 models are safe for endoleaks remains controversial. Here we report a case of a 67-year-old male with an AFX2-implanted abdominal aortic aneurysm experiencing a delayed type IIIa endoleak. Aneurysmal sac enlargement occurred 36 months post-endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), with a computed tomography scan at 52 months revealing component overlap loss and a significant type IIIa endoleak. We performed endograft explantation and endoaneurysmal aorto-bi-iliac interposition grafting. Our findings suggest that sufficient component overlap is necessary when using an AFX2 endograft outside the manufacturer’s instructions for use to prevent late type IIIa endoleaks. Moreover, patients who undergo EVAR with AFX2 for tortuous large aortic aneurysms should be carefully monitored for conformational changes.
Keywords: Abdominal aortic aneurysm, Endovascular procedures, Endoleak, Treatment outcome
Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) has been increasingly used to treat abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). Endografts have been improved to reduce complications, including endoleaks, and overcome anatomical limitations. Anatomical fixation on the aortic bifurcation and a modular proximal cuff for the aortic seal distinguishes the AFX Endovascular AAA System (Endologix) from many other proximal fixed endograft products [1]. Although the AFX with Strata, an early AFX model, has several advantages associated with anatomical fixation, there have been some reports of an increase in late type IIIa endoleaks (T3aE) [2,3]. In response, Endologix improved the device material and released the AFX with Duraply in 2014 and the AFX2 in 2016. Additionally, recommendations regarding component overlap were updated to decrease the risk of endoleaks [4].
Several studies have demonstrated a decrease in T3aE rates with the AFX and AFX2 [5]. However, whether these implants are safe with respect to T3aE remains controversial [6], particularly with regard to long-term outcomes. Here we describe a case of an AFX2-implanted AAA in which the overlap between the components was lost during follow-up due to conformational changes, resulting in a massive T3aE. This case report was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Seoul National University Hospital (no. 2102-107-1197), which waived the requirement for informed consent owing to the retrospective nature of the study.
A 67-year-old male was referred to the vascular department with aneurysmal sac enlargement 36 months after EVAR and admitted for the treatment of acute kidney injury.
The initial EVAR was performed at an outside hospital using an AFX2 endograft. The patient was on aspirin due to cerebral infarction, had a history of tumorectomy for meningioma, and was on hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease. At the time of EVAR, the aneurysm was 5.7 cm, and the infrarenal neck angle was 78°. The previous EVAR involved the AFX2 main body (diameter: 28 mm), AFX2 proximal extension (diameter: 34 mm) and a 16-13-mm Endurant II (Medtronic) limb extension after right internal iliac artery embolization (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. (A) The procedural schematic illustration and (B) a post-endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) fluoroscopic image. The overlap length was approximately 5 cm at the time of EVAR.
On the first follow-up computed tomography (CT) performed 12 months post-EVAR, the maximal diameter of the aneurysmal sac was 5.1 cm (Fig. 2A). However, during further surveillance on CT angiography, the sac size gradually increased to 5.6 cm at 22 months and 5.9 cm at 39 months post-EVAR (Fig. 2B). No endoleak was found in either the arterial or delayed phases of the follow-up CT angiography. To evaluate the cause of the sac enlargement, aortography was performed at 36 months post-EVAR; however, no definitive endoleak was detected (Fig. 2C). Although surgical intervention was recommended because of a possible type V endoleak, the patient declined treatment and was discharged.
Figure 2. Follow-up computed tomography and diagnostic aortography images. (A) At 12 months post-endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), the aneurysmal sac measured 51 mm×68 mm. (B) At 39 months post-EVAR, the aneurysmal sac increased to 59 mm×80 mm. (C) Aortography revealed no evidence of endoleaks.
At 52 months post-EVAR, the patient presented to the emergency room with anemia that developed after hemodialysis, and a CT scan revealed an enlarged aneurysmal sac measuring 6.7 cm. Component overlap had been completely lost, resulting in a large endoleak (Fig. 3A). Aortography confirmed component separation and contrast leakage, indicating the presence of a T3aE (Fig. 3B). A review of previous CT scans revealed a gradual, persistent decrease in component overlap (Fig. 4). Considering the hostile anatomy and severe neck angulation, an open surgical repair was performed. Total endograft explantation and endoaneurysmal aorto-biiliac interposition grafting were performed using a transabdominal approach. Inflow was controlled by clamping the proximal infrarenal aorta. All endografts were explanted except for the right distal endograft (Endurant limb extension), which was partially removed by transection at the level of the external iliac artery and sutured together with the remaining vessel wall at the graft-artery anastomosis. The patient was discharged 13 days postoperatively and remained well during 10 weeks of follow-up.
Figure 3. Computed tomography (CT) and aortography at 52 months post-endovascular aneurysm repair. (A) CT scan demonstrated an enlarged aneurysmal sac and contrast leakage out of the endograft (arrows). (B) Aortography revealed a loss of component overlap and contrast leakage (arrow).
Figure 4. A gradual decrease was noted in component overlap. At the time of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), the overlap length was about 5 cm. A serial images of the computed tomography scans revealed progressive loss of component overlap.
Despite improvements made to the AFX2 device to address endoleak issues, controversy persists regarding its safety [7-9]. Previous studies have reported the occurrence of delayed T3aE, especially with early AFX models [6,8]. T3aE is a serious concern, as it re-exposes the AAA sac to direct arterial pressure, potentially leading to sac enlargement, rupture, and death. To prevent T3aE, preoperative planning and appropriate selection of endograft components are essential [10]. Various factors influence the long-term junctional durability of modular endograft systems, including AAA size, proper device sizing and selection, angulation at the overlap zones, maximizing overlap between modular components, usage of additional overlapping stent grafts in hostile anatomy, and avoiding excessive oversizing of the proximal extension relative to the main body [11,12].
To mitigate the endoleak issue, Endologix’s instruction for use (IFU) recommends sufficient overlap consisting of a length greater than the aneurysmal radius plus 20 mm between the distal bifurcated and proximal endograft components of its AFX2 device [4]. In the current case, with an aneurysm diameter of 57.3 mm, an ideal overlap of ≥48 mm was required, which was almost satisfied at the time of the EVAR procedure. Regarding neck angle, Endologix recommends using the AFX2 device in patients with an angle ≤60°. Our case was off-IFU in this regard, as the initial neck angle at the time of EVAR was 78°. Acute angulation in the overlap zone may have contributed to the development of the late endoleaks. While on-IFU use of EVAR devices is recommended, in inevitable cases of severe angulation, such as off-IFU, a telescopic technique during deployment has been proposed to achieve better graft–aorta attachment [13].
Although preventing endoleaks is crucial, patients with off-IFU application require more careful and prolonged surveillance. In our case, the sac initially showed an increased size without a clear endoleak and was thus diagnosed as endotension [14]. Endotension is generally attributed to unrecognized endoleaks, pressure transmission through the endograft wall, or transudate migration through the endograft owing to porosity [15]. In the case of true endotension without an undetected endoleak, blood is absent in the aneurysmal sac and rupture is unlikely to cause massive hemorrhage [16]. However, as demonstrated in our case, endotension can cause morphological changes in the aneurysm, disrupting the device and inducing a potential new endoleak. Thus, treatment is generally recommended if the sac continues to increase during surveillance, even if no evidence of an endoleak is observed.
Upon the diagnosis of the massive T3aE, open surgical treatment was chosen over endovascular re-lining. The choice of endovascular or open treatment for T3aE is complex and depends on the location of the endoleak and anatomy of the aortic neck [17]. While a recent report indicated that re-lining has a comparable aneurysm exclusion rate in failed AFX with faster recovery and lower mortality [18], the long-term outcomes and potential for re-lining to replace surgical repair in patients with hostile anatomy remain unclear. Furthermore, the AFX2 endograft has an endoskeleton design with the stent material located inside the fabric, which is fixed only at the top and bottom [19]. Such morphological characteristics may limit the ability to completely seal leakage upon re-lining with other endografts with exoskeleton designs. In our case, severe angulation of the previous AFX2 was another reason we chose surgical repair over re-lining. Safely advancing the guidewires and endografts into the angled uncoupled AFX2 with endoskeletons would have been technically challenging.
In conclusion, patients who undergo EVAR using an AFX2 require continuous surveillance and increased clinician awareness of aneurysmal sac enlargement. Despite the upgrade in AFX2, the issue of T3aE seems to persist. Especially when patients with a hostile anatomy are considered for treatment with an AFX2, ample component overlap may be necessary to prevent late T3aE. Most importantly, these patients should be carefully monitored for any conformational changes and, in cases of endoleak with sac enlargement, open repair or endovascular re-lining should be considered.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Concept and design: AH. Analysis and interpretation: MK. Data collection: MK. Writing the article: MK. Critical revision of the article: SA, SKM, AH. Final approval of the article: all authors. Overall responsibility: AH.
Fig 1.

Fig 2.

Fig 3.

Fig 4.

- Welborn MB 3rd, McDaniel HB, Johnson RC, Kennedy RE, Knott A, Mundinger GH, et al. Clinical outcome of an extended proximal seal zone with the AFX endovascular aortic aneurysm system. J Vasc Surg 2014;60:876-883; discussion 883-884.
- Forsyth A, Carlson S, Martin M, Raffetto J, Alfson D, McPhee J. Late type III endoleaks are common in early generation Endologix AFX stent grafts. J Vasc Surg 2022;76:680-687.
- Lemmon GW, Motaganahalli RL, Chang T, Slaven J, Aumiller B, Kim BJ, et al. Failure mode analysis of the Endologix endograft. J Vasc Surg 2016;64:571-576.
- Important. Important safety update: medical device correction for the AFXⓇ endovascular AAA system [Internet]. Endologix; 2018 [cited 2022 Aug 31]. Available from:
- Vetsch R, Garrett HE Jr, Stout CL, Wladis AR, Thompson M, Lombardi JV. Midterm outcomes of 455 patients receiving the AFX2 endovascular graft for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm: a retrospective multi-center analysis. PLoS One 2021;
- Chang RW, Rothenberg KA, Harris JE, Gologorsky RC, Hsu JH, Rehring TF, et al. Midterm outcomes for 605 patients receiving Endologix AFX or AFX2 Endovascular AAA Systems in an integrated healthcare system. J Vasc Surg 2021;73:856-866.
- Chen JF, Brahmandam A, Harris S, Fischer U, Nassiri N. Elucidating the role of the AFX2 endograft in endovascular treatment of aortic pathology. Ann Vasc Surg 2022;86:328-337.
- Hoshina K, Suhara M, Miyahara K, Mochizuki Y, Taniguchi R, Takayama T. Midterm outcomes of AFX2 endografts used in combination with aortic cuffs. J Vasc Surg 2023;77:424-431.e1.
- Cuozzo S, Miceli F, Marzano A, Martinelli O, Gattuso R, Sbarigia E. Surgery for late type Ia/IIIb endoleak from a fabric tear and stent fracture of AFX2 stent graft. J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech 2022;8:458-461.
- Kouvelos GN, Nana P, Bouris V, Peroulis M, Drakou A, Rousas N, et al. Initial clinical experience with the endologix AFX unibody stent graft system for treating patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms: a case controlled comparative study. Vasc Specialist Int 2017;33:16-21.
- Skibba AA, Evans JR, Greenfield DT, Yoon HR, Katras T, Ouriel K, et al. Management of late main-body aortic endograft component uncoupling and type IIIa endoleak encountered with the Endologix Powerlink and AFX platforms. J Vasc Surg 2015;62:868-875.
- Dryjski M, Harris L. Complications in endovascular surgery: peri-procedural prevention and treatment. Elsevier; 2020.
- Jo E, Ahn S, Min SK, Mo H, Jae HJ, Hur S. Initial experience and potential advantages of AFX2 bifurcated endograft system: comparative case series. Vasc Specialist Int 2019;35:209-216.
- Parsa P, Das Gupta J, McNally M, Chandra V. Endotension: what do we know and not know about this enigmatic complication of endovascular aneurysm repair. J Vasc Surg 2021;74:639-645.
- Torres-Blanco Á, Miralles-Hernández M. Endotension: twenty years of a controversial term. CVIR Endovasc 2021;
- Mennander A, Pimenoff G, Heikkinen M, Partio T, Zeitlin R, Salenius JP. Nonoperative approach to endotension. J Vasc Surg 2005;42:194-199.
- Stoecker JB, Glaser JD. Review of type III endoleaks. Semin Intervent Radiol 2020;37:371-376.
- Bianco MP, Blazick EA, Malka KT, Ta TM, Hawkins RE, Bloch PH, et al. Endovascular repair of delayed Endologix AFX graft failure is superior to open repair with explant. Ann Vasc Surg 2022;79:398-399.
- Georgakarakos E, Ioannidis G, Koutsoumpelis A, Papatheodorou N, Argyriou C, Spanos K, et al. The AFX unibody bifurcated unibody aortic endograft for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms: current evidence and future perspectives. Expert Rev Med Devices 2020;17:5-15.