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VSI Vascular Specialist International

Open Access

pISSN 2288-7970
eISSN 2288-7989
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How to Submit a Manuscript

General Submission Guidelines

All manuscripts relevant to the scope of the journal are welcome for submission. The manuscript should be consistent with one of the following formats:

  • Original articles
  • Case reports
  • Reviews
  • Technical notes
  • Letters to the editor

All submissions must be performed via the online submission system. (e-Submission) You need to register before logging into the online system, and once logged in, the system will lead you through the submission process step-by-step. If you have any difficulties with the submission process, please contact us at our Editorial Office. (Contact Us)

Editorial Office Contact Information
Vascular Specialist International
#1724, Yongsan Prugio Summit Officetel, 69 Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 04378, Korea
Tel: +82-10-8717-2752, Fax: +82-2-6455-3770
E-mail: office@vsijournal.org, https://www.vsijournal.org
Hyung-Kee Kim, M.D., Ph.D.
Rm 13608, Kyungpook National University Chilgok Hospital, 807, Hoguk-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu 41044, Korea
Tel: +82-53-200-5605, Fax: +82-53-421-0510
E-mail: hkkim6260@knu.ac.kr

Submission of revised manuscripts

Manuscripts which need either major or minor revisions should be resubmitted through the online submission system. Authors should indicate the changes made in the document by either using the "Track changes" function (preferred) in Microsoft Word (for .doc or .docx files) or by crossing a straight line for deleted phrases (strikethrough) and highlighting the new phrases in red color. The reviewers’ comments should also be addressed specifically on a point-by-point basis.

After Acceptance

If a manuscript is finally accepted, it will be sent back to the corresponding author for another round of proofreading after it undergoes professional manuscript editing and/or English proofreading. Proofreading should be conducted again for any misspellings or errors by the authors.

There are no additional charges for publication at VSI, and the author may download for free (since VSI adheres to a free, open access policy) the final version of their article in PDF format from our online journal site. Authors may request for additional reprints of their article, in which case additional charges may apply.

Journal Information

Vascular Specialist International
Dec, 2024

pISSN 2288-7970
eISSN 2288-7989

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Editorial Office

Fax +82-2-6455-3770